What foods are trans fats

Diseases caused by trans fat ...

Saturated fatty acids do not dissolve from the human body and cause fat masses. This will help the person to gain weight over time and prepare a serious disease such as obesity. Unsaturated fatty acids are called trans fats. What foods are trans fats? What are the diseases caused by trans fat? We have investigated what you need to know about trans fats, which seriously affect human health.

What foods are trans fats

Saturated fatty acids which are composed of two carbon substances and are difficult to dissolve are called trans fats. Trans fats are both harmful and beneficial. Especially the trans fats in the flesh of red meat do not have any harm due to the hydrogenation. On the contrary, it reduces the rate of cholesterol in the body. However, trans fats without hydrogenation increase the proportion of cholesterol in the body. Trans fats bind fat because the body cannot easily dissolve. In addition, this oil contains toxins, liver and lungs to prevent serious damage by doing their duties. 

Trans fats, which are filled with carbon material, cause even more severe deformations in the body, even if they give good taste to the food. Experts in the family who have a history of obesity and cancer will not use this oil  will give precise warnings. Most of the ready foods use trans fats to prolong the shelf life. The World Health Organization said in a statement that 50 percent of deaths in modern world age is caused by diseases caused by trans fat.

What foods are trans fats?

- Used during the preparation of ready-to-eat food in the supermarkets.

- Trans oil is converted during processing of sunflower.

- Margarines are the most rich in trans fats.

- Most of the oils used in the dough business are trans fats.

- Prepared fabricated pretzels, crackers, cookies and snack foods.


- Incompatible materials cause fat accumulation. These oils over time in the body and belly accumulates in the body. Obesity is experienced in advanced times when not taken.

- The liver absorbs toxins from the body and excretes from the body. However, this oil and toxins accumulate here if the liver does not perform this procedure properly due to the pressure complications experienced. Skin diseases, cancer, many health problems occur.

- Since the body trans fat is not enzymatic, the fat in the lungs increases. The food pathway and the upper part of the stomach consists of oil glands. They prepare the ground for the esophagus, stomach and intestinal cancer. Trans fats mutate the DNA of the cells. Thus, the possibility of irreversible diseases increases.

- Trans fats increase the likelihood of obstruction of the vessels, especially when they increase the body's fat ratio. This causes heart disease. Studies have shown that one of the two causes of heart attack is trans fat and the other one has excessive stress.